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Special Interest Group of Data Science

What is SIG?


The Special Interest Group (SIG) program of LEAP is a new program of LEAP. LEAP members who share the same interest in the technical fields are welcome to join the corresponding SIG to expand their networking and explore new opportunities!


Why SIG?


The SIG program is designed to address the increasing interest in fast-growing technology (not limited to in the future) disciplines of LEAP members. SIG will provide great opportunities for growth and networking in a supportive and collaborative environment for LEAP members with common interests.




SIG-DS stands for Special Interest Group in Data Science. It is the first SIG installation with a focus on data science and its applications. Data science and related jobs, as the sexiest jobs in the coming decades, have attracted many LEAPers. SIG-DS will be a great platform to help interested LEAPers in a consistent and immersive way.


SIG-DS, because of its discipline, will use Slack as its main communication tools. It is going to use github extensively as well.



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LEAP Career Development Forum
713 West Duarte Road Unit #G266
Arcadia, CA 91007

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